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We appreciate your opinion. It will helps us improve our service.
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1. Did you get other estimates before deciding on our company?
___ Yes ___ No
2. What about Builders Fence Company made you decide on us to do the work? (Please check one)
___ Reputation ___ Warranty ___ Product Features
___ Recommendation ___ Lowest Price ___ Brands we work with
___ Salesman/Saleswoman
3. How did you hear of our company (Please check one)
___ Yellow Pages ___ Fence Sign ___ Yard Sign
___ Promotional Letter ___ Postcard ___ Door Hanger
___ Vehicle Graphics ___ Friend / Family / Neighbor
___ Website ___ Facebook ___ Twitter
___ Other: Please specify ______________________________
4. Was your installation done in a neat and professional manner?
___ Yes ___ No
5. Please describe your overall satisfaction with the job (check one)…
___ Very Satisfied ___ Somewhat Satisfied
___ Somewhat Unsatisfied ___ Very Unsatisfied
6. Would you recommend our company to your friends and neighbors?
___ Yes ___ No
7. Additional remodeling projects planned within the next ___ 1-2 years or ___ 3-5 years
(check as many as apply)…
___ Fence ___ Deck ___ Patio
___ Pergola ___ Porch ___ Gazebo
___ Screened Porch ___ Wood Fence Maintenance Service
8. Approx. age of your home? ___ years — Approx. value of your home? $ _______________
9. Your Age? ___ years
Your Comments: